Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Hammer Falls

I'm writing in a slightly different format tonight. I'm sorry if this post appears harder to read than others in the past.

I am in a rather pleasant situation. I disagree with people who are smarter than I am. It could be arrogance that keeps me opposed to their viewpoints, but I certainly hope it is something more substantive than that. After all, I also happen to agree with many people who are smarter than me. In this case though, I am talking about my personal relationships and how much I enjoy them.

Two faithful intellectuals whom I respect read my last post and both agreed with the "majority" of it. Obviously we are on different sides of the fence as to the underlying issue, but we have drawn similar conclusions about some topics. I was immensely proud of myself over this. It is healthy to judge one's self by those whom you respect. But this brought up an unavoidable question. If we agree on A, B and C and right down the alphabet...why do we disagree on Z when we get to it?

I have no doubt that someday I will awaken to a message on my phone and after blinking my eyes clear enough to read it, I will experience the blow of a logical hammer. Of the men whom I mentioned in my previous post I know any of them could do such a thing. Having met one of their wives, and read the work of another, I know their spouses could deliver as well. It is my guilty admission that I await such a message.

Why? Because I desire evidence and logic and reason above all else. I thrive on intellectual challenge and the struggle of seeing things differently. We all should. The world would be a different, and perhaps better, place. Just a few thoughts. G'night.

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