Sunday, August 26, 2012

Endless Cycle

I have a smartass line that won't leave my head. "The best thing about life is that it will be over soon" I know, I know, it's so emo that it's cliche. But let's face it, something has to change or tomorrow will be as useless as yesterday is.

The core of my frustration comes in the pattern that continuously pops its head up again and again. This has been going on for years and is the only evidence I have for the existence of God. And let me tell you, he's a dick.

From time to time, months or years apart, there is a glimmer of hope that something amazing is about to happen. It could be a lucrative job, a wonderful girl, that dream vacation or just a lucky break that lets me pocket a couple hundred bucks. Every time, things go wrong...and every time I'm left holding the very empty bag.

I would think I have bad luck, if I believed in luck. I can't tell you what it is, other than exhausting. It has come to the point recently where I don't want to put effort into anything because in the end, it will just be another miserable failure. I don't even have terribly high hopes that this blog post will make any sense.

I feel like all effort is wasted. Why care about the world's big meta problems when no individual can change them? Why express my opinion when nobody even listens? Why get up out of bed? To be fair, I have a super comfy bed.


PS: I just noticed what a difference this was from my last post. Amazing what two months of constant bullshit will do to a guy, huh?

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